The Vandenbergs

The Vandenbergs

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mom's big girl.

Sadie has her carseat facing the front now.
She's getting so big fast.

New Chair.

Sadie got a chair from her Aunt Cindy, for her birthday.
She loves to sit in it.
But she also finds different ways to use it.
Heres one...

Sadie's First Wedding.

We went to Cousin Eppie and Terri's wedding.
This was Sadie's first wedding.
She did do good.

After the ceremony we brought Sadie home.
Her "aunt" Sandra and "cousin" Isabella were babysitting.

But mommy and daddy had fun...

CHEERS to the Bride and Groom!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sadie's First birthday party ever!

Well ok, I know her actual birthday is on the 31st... (but since we have a wedding to go to next weekend, we dicided to have her birthday this weekend.)

Birthday Girl

Time to blow the candel on your cake (well cupcakes that is)

Sadie's first ever Birthday cake (at first she was very hesitant, she would stick her finger in the icing, then would rub it off onto her table, then after my mom put Sadies fingers in her mouth [sadie's mouth that is] she loved it and there was nothing left)

Sadie recieved a lot of gifts. This Winnie the Pooh train was from mom and dad 
(I know she's spoiled, but she's just to cute)


Sadie had pigtails in her hair for the first time yesterday...
Don't they look cute?
 (I was having a hard time getting Sadie to sit still and look at me)

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Wheels.

A few weeks ago, Zellers had a big baby sale. So we bought this stroller. Sadie needed a new stroller since she is getting bigger.
She loves her new stroller.
She loved it so much that she wouldn't get out, so she watched t.v. in it.

She didn't want to get out.

Fun in the SNOW

Last Sunday, Sadie was playing in the snow.

Then, Tom had a great idea, and pushed me into the snow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Whiskey (a.k.a. Buddy)

Last Friday, my parents had to put their dog down. She had an infection in her uterous, and it was really risky to put her through surgery, and her chances of making it through surgery was really slim.
Sadie and Whiskey were best friends. Here are a few pictures of the BFFs.

R.I.P Whiskey, we will always remember you.


When Sadie is taking her naps (or she's in bed for the night), I check in on her. Here are some pictures of what I see...


Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas Eve at Beppe and Pakka

On Christmas Eve, we had dinner and the opened presents at my parents.

Sadie, with her Aunt Nicole and Beppe.
(We were waiting for my Dad to get home from work)

Tom craved the Turkey! 
(It was so Good) 

Sadie was the first to open her gift. She was so excited.
This gift was from Aunt Nicole.
(What is it?)

What a pretty Skirt. Aunt Nicole has good taste!

Sadie having her bottle, while Pakka helped open her gift.


It was Sadie's first Christmas, and she got so spoiled.

This was just from Tom and Me... she got a lot of other stuff from family.

Even Tom had fun with some of her toys
(This toy was from Beppe, and Pakka)